Number Day
We had lots of fun in nursery to celebrate ‘Number Day’. We decorated a hat with lots of numbers and sang all our favourite number songs. We listened to the story ‘A mathematician like me’ and found that maths is all around us. We looked at pictures of objects and played the subitising game ‘3 or not 3’. We had a look around the nursery grounds for groups of objects and counted how many. We finished the morning with the story ‘How big is a million’ and looked at a picture with a million stars! Wow, what a busy morning.
This week in nursery we have read the book ‘That’s not my snowman’. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this story. They have loved joining in with all of the words. We decided to make our own book. The children drew their own pictures of snowmen. We were super excited to see snow and ice on the ground on Thursday. We made footprints and tracks and even found bird footprints.