Corporation Road, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear SR2 8PL

0191 5002999

  1. Information for Parents
  2. Uniform, Lunches & Holidays


Uniform, Lunches and Holidays

Our uniform consists of:

• a navy sweatshirt or cardigan in Years Nursery – Year 4
• a green sweatshirt or cardigan in Years 5 and 6

• navy, black or dark grey trousers or shorts (no tracksuit/jogging bottoms)
• a knee length skirt or pinafore dress

• a polo shirt (yellow, for children in Early Years , Red, for children in Years 1 & 2, blue, for
children in Years 3- 4 and white in Years 5 & 6)

• Plain, dark shoes – no trainers

• In the summer gingham dresses may also be worn.

The uniform, bearing the school logo is available from ‘Little Gems’ shop in High Street Sunderland
town centre, Tel: 0191 4194616.
Plain items of uniform, from most stores, may also be worn.
Pre-Loved Uniform (Second hand uniform) can be obtained from school and Second Chance Community Shop, 46 Villette Road, Hendon, Sunderland, SR2 8RN.



 We want  lunchtime to be an enjoyable, healthy social part of the school day. To support this idea we invite the children to select their lunch each day from the menu provided. The menus run on a three weekly rota and are subject to some change.

Our cook and kitchen team work hard to make sure all our children have a healthy, happy lunch. They spend time listening to the children's ideas and try and vary the menu to suit. Our meals are all nutritiously balanced and are very, very popular.


Term Dates & School  Holidays 2024/2025